JOHN KEANE, KIERAN COLLINS, DAMIEN YOUNG & GIUSEPPE CORATELLA (2019) BASES Conference 2019 – Programme and Abstracts,Journal of Sports Sciences,37:sup1,1-93,DOI:10.1080/02640414.2019.1671688
Previous research has identified variations in anthropometric and performance profiles of elite (inter-county) hurlers (Collins, Reilly, Morton, McRobert, & Doran, 2014, Journal of Athletic Enhancement 3,6,2) however, to date no studies have presented data comparing the anthropometric and perfor- mance profiles between the elite and sub-elite (club) level players. Variations regarding competitive match play run- ning demands have been determined between both levels, with elite hurlers performing a greater amount of relative total distance compared to their sub-elite counterparts (Young, Mourot, & Coratella, 2018, Sport Sciences for Health, 14(1), 201–208). The aim of the current study was to inves- tigate the variations in the anthropometric and performance profiles between elite and sub-elite male senior hurling players. With institutional ethical approval, data was col- lected from 148 hurlers who volunteered to participate in the study. Players were selected from members of senior inter-county squads (n = 67: age; 24.8 3 ± .6 years: stature; 182.36 ± 5.58 cm: body mass; 86.0 ± 6.6 kg) and club championship squads (n = 81: age; 25.3 ± 5.2 years: stature; 182.48 ± 5.66cm: body mass; 82.1 ± 7.1 kg). Participants underwent anthropometric testing [height (cm), body mass (kg), sum of seven skinfolds (mm), adiposity (%), lean body mass (kg)] and performance testing [counter movement jump height (CMJ) (cm), CMJ peak power (W), 5, 10, 20 m sprint times (s) and Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 (Yo-YoIRT1) (m)] during the mid-season phase of the com- petitive calendar. A non-significant variation was observed for age and height between elite and sub-elite standards (Age: P = 0.347; Height: P = 0.747). Elite hurlers were sig- nificantly heavier (Body mass; P ≤ 0.001) and leaner (FFM; P ≤ 0.001; %AT; P ≤ 0.001) than their sub-elite counterparts. Elite hurlers were also significantly more powerful (CMJ PP; P ≤ 0.001), faster (5m: P = 0.020; 10m: P = 0.017; 20m: P = 0.019) and possessed superior aerobic fitness (Yo- YoIRT1; P ≤ 0.001) than their sub-elite counterparts. In hurling, players are selected to represent their elite team based on their performances during the sub-elite competition. Therefore, knowledge of the anthropometric and perfor- mance profiles at both levels is necessary to facilitate the transition from sub-elite to the elite level. The current study is the first to provide normative data comparing anthropometric and performance charachteristics between elite and sub-elite hurlers.